On the threshold of the 70-th Victory anniversary, a festive tea-drinking for veterans and homefront workers took place at EcoBazaar in Obninsk. It has become a good tradition to hold such events on the 1st floor of EcoBazaar in Mytishchi annually. We decided to implement such a tradition at our second farmers’ market.
Big decorated hall, beautifully laid tables and presents – all these were prepared for most respected and important guests on April, 29.
Veterans were taking congratulations from the administration of the shopping center “EcoBazaar” in a warm and homely atmosphere. And at the end of the meeting all the veterans got tasty food baskets from EcoBazaar.
All the participants of the meeting were in high spirits and were singing wart songs with Obninsk company “Kalinushka”, playing the accordion, reciting poetry and sharing wartime memories with great pleasure.