New VR-attraction, Oculus Rift technology, has started working at EcoBazaar-Obninsk! Hurry up to experience new sensations!

We know that lives of many people are full of extreme sensations. But these sensations can be different. Good and bad ones. We want to make bring you joy and pleasure. That is why we brought a VR-attraction to EcoBazaar which only has approximately 7 analogues in Russia. Well, and 3 in Australia.

What is so unique about it? 360 degree panorama, screen omission, clip literalism and, of course, its platform. To can’t go to Disneyland or any other major theme park like Port Ventura with 200 rubles. But you can go to EcoBazaar. An amazing hang-glider flight for those who are tired and want to relax, downhill skiing for those with a fear of heights, mind-blowing desert jeep races with driving opportunities. And it will cost you only 200 rubles at EcoBazaar.



We look forward to seeing you on weekdays from 12 till 8 pm and on weekends from 9 am till 9 pm. Monday is a day off.

Yours faithfully, VR-attraction.
