23 december
These wonderful straight leg sweatpants are for pregnant. Pants are very warm and ideally fit the figure.
20 december
On December 20 workshops in concert with Kids’ Center “Detstvo” took place at EcoBazaar in the course of “Christmas meetings”.
19 december
We invite you to the performance that will take place on December,19 at 19:00. It will be an English-language play based on the story by Julia Donalds for 4 – 14 years old viewers.
13 december
A “Glass painting”, the creation of a New Year souvenir, workshop took place on December, 13.
13 december
In the period of December 13 – 31 all the customers of our permanent shop would have a chance to participate in the special offer “Catch your clothes discount”!
29 november
Our EcoBazaar in Mytishchi was filled with children’s laughter and joy on November 29! It happened thanks to little artists who created pictures for the kids’ exhibition “My favorite fruit” with enthusiasm and inspiration. The exhibition lasted for 2...
24 november
Dear customers!
14 september
Products from Europe were and will being sold at EcoBazaar anyway! So, please, those who frequently bought products produced in Europe after the embargo launch shouldn’t worry that there will be problems with their favorite eurodelicacies’ availabili...
1 august
Dear friends, welcome to EcoBazaar to enjoy our summer initiative!
11 june
Dear customers, from June, 10 till June, 30 2014 a 50% discount goes in salon “Optika Favorit” on vision frames of the following collections: