14 september
On September, 14 cheese shop of the outlet chain Signore Formaggio was opened at the EcoBazaar.
In this fantastic taste and flavor boutique you will find a great many of cheese from different countries and also from Russia, produced in Kaluga region...
11 september
We are excited to tell you that a great holiday – Harvest month – is starting at the EcoBazaar! On Saturdays: on September 14, 21, 28 and October, 5 you will find a lot of surprises, presents and good spirits at the EcoBazaar!
30 august
On August, 30 in the framework of 390-years Mytishchi founding celebration a great event took place at the Veterans Boulevard – the official opening of the dynamically lit fountain. The sponsor of its construction is the farmers market “EcoBazaar”. This...
6 august
3 august
2 july
11 june
On May, 25 EcoBazaar met little guests. An edutainment party “EcoGarden – little farmer” was organized for them.
Together with Aleksandr Ganechkin, little farmers learnt how to choose the seeds and plant cucumbers. Every participant of “field work”...
11 june
4 june
On May, 30 2013 in the framework of the pilot project on the creation of new format back offices, there was an opening of the first mini-office of the Moscow regional Bank branch on the territory of the farmers market “EcoBazaar”.
28 may
Dear customers!