Dear Mytishchi residents, we invite you to try the products of the Velikie Luki meat factory

Great news! Now you can purchase products of the Velikie Luki Meat Factory at EcoBazaar. You need to find a trade place №7 to do it.

The holding of this meat factory includes:
- Pig-breeding complex
- Feed-processing plant and Elevator group
- Agricultural land uses
- Meat factory
- Private trade network

Such an organizational structure provides an opportunity to fulfil a complete production cycle and to have an independence from the import and the price changes of the raw materials. All this makes the products more affordable for purchasers. The usage of the best practices, up-to-date technologies and qualified management let them produce high-quality products with minimum costs.

Velikie Luki meat factory invites you to food function and offers you to try out its products. Even the foodies will like it, and also the prices are affordable!


We are waiting for you at EcoBazaar!
