On the threshold of St. Valentine's Day, EcoBazaar shares 5 ideas on how to greet your soulmate with you

5 ideas of presents for St. Valentine's Day

St. Valentine’s Day is approaching. This holiday will let you one more time do something kind, warm and pleasant for your soulmate as a reminder of your infinite love. In this article we would like to touch on the theme of St. Valentine’s greetings. It should be noted that its specialty is not in the price of the gift but in the way it is presented.

The romantic setting infolded in warmth and love, the exciting expectation of surprise are those very things which unite people, turning traditions into magical moments which you will remember for a long time. That is why you shouldn’t offend against customs of this holiday, it is better to add a little of your fantasy and love and to create unusual presents which can show the depth of your feelings.

Idea №1. Create a romantic setting with candles. First we go to EcoBazaar where we buy many different candles: some of them are for table decoration and others – for creation of intimate surroundings in bathroom or in bedroom. It would be great if you could not just set them but also prettify somehow. Floating candles are good for it, you can put them in tumbler, filled with water and flower petals. This unusual decoration will completely transform the room.

Idea №2. Gelium balloons look really nice. They help you to transform the room and to make the atmosphere high and festive. You can just buy gelium balloons on the 2nd floor of EcoBazaar in “Izoumroodniy gorod” and fill the room with them while your soulmate is sleeping. It will let your start the day with a fantastic surprise. Or you can tack a present to the balloon and this flyweight effect will help you to set the balloons in different corners.

Idea №3. Buy a pillow for your soulmate and if you can broider it would be great to decorate it with the symbols of love.  
Or you can do it with splash adhesive paper. Don’t forget that St. Valentine’s Day is a day of love that is why a pillow is a good present as a symbolic attribute of this holiday. A wide range of home textiles you will find on the 2nd of EcoBazaar in the shop “Odeyalo I podushka”.

Idea №4. There must a lot of souvenirs on this day! You can find a great assortment of souvenirs and presents on the 2nd floor of EcoBazaar in the shop “Podarok”. It would be so nice if your lover will find little reminders of your love in different places, but you should definitely accompany them with billet-doux where you can write not only about your feelings but also about those very features because of which you love your soulmate.

Idea №5. You can buy sweets at the EcoBazaar and make a “romantic cover” for it. You can take any beautiful container and, put a note or a card on its bottom, then – some biscuits or any other sweets and flowers petals on the top. As a result there will be an unusual present each layer of which will excite and surprise.

As you see, all the mentioned ideas don’t need much effort, time and money but they will help you to transform this great day and show your feelings. It should be noted that all these ideas can be realized with the help of EcoBazaar. Here you can find all the necessary presents and buy healthy products for a special dinner. For example, you can find elite cheese in the dairy TP №149 and in the TP №3 or fresh fruit and berries on the 1st floor to the right from the main entrance.
