Honey treatment

28 august 2013

Honey treatment

For medical purposes you have you have to take it lysed cause in this form it is easier for its parts to incept into the bloodflow and then into the body cells and tissues. When treating with honey you have to remember about individual approach to each patient – the choice of the honey variety, the dosage are extremely important to avoid damaging effect of a lot of easily digested carbohydrates on the vegetative nervous system and metabolism on the whole..

Honey treatment: folk recipes. Honey medical qualities

Individual dose (from 50 to 100 grams a day). When having anemia the healthiest is the buckwheat honey. You have to take it with medical purpose during 2 months. It improves the blood composition, head ache, contamination, tiredness disappear, well-being gets better.

Honey benefits and curative virtues. What is honey good for?

Practically all the eye diseases can be cured with honey. Boil one tea-spoon of honey in the glass of water for 2 minutes. When honey water cools down, make eye lotions 2 times a day for 20 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon. Drop the same water (2-3 drops) 2 times a day in the morning and in the afternoon.

Gargarism with honey and water mixture will take off the tonsillitis, moreover it cleans your teeth and makes them white: 1 spoon full of honey mix with one glass of warm water.

Consumption, lingering cough, pneumonia, bronchitis: honey (better white) – 1300 g, chopped aloe leaf – 1 glass, olive oil – 200 g, birch buds – 150 g, dried lime blossom.

Coprostasia: 1 spoon full of olive or linseed oil mix with vitellus and 1 spoon full of honey and add it to ¾ glass of water. Take 1 spoon full every 2 hours.

Honey benefits for hair: to boiled warm (not more than 40 – 50 degrees) water add honey: 1 liter of water with 2 spoons of honey. Rub it into the head skin 2 times a week.

При заболевании печени: 1 кг меда смешать с 1 кг черной смородины. Принимать по 1 ч. ложке за 30 мин до еды. Продолжать до окончания смеси. Эффективно действует смесь из одной ложки меда с яблочным соком, принимать по утрам и вечерам.

Honey treatmentLiver disease: 1 kg of honey mix with 1 kg of black-currant. Take 1 tea-spoon 30 minutes before your meal. Do it till the mixture finishes. A mixture of 1 spoon of honey with apple juice is very effective, take it in the morning and in the afternoon.

To decrease the arterial pressure at the hypertension:

  • Mix 1 glass of honey, carrot juice, horse radish juice with lemon juice. Preserve it in the glass cane with tough top in a cool place. Take 1-2 tea-spoons 3 times a day one hour before your meal or 2-3 hours after meal.
  • Mix 1 glass of honey, carrot and beetroot juice, horse radish juice with lemon juice. Preserve it in the glass cane with tough top in a cool place. Take 1-2 tea-spoons 3 times a day one hour before your meal. Length of treatment – 1,5-2 months. Extract grated horse radish on water for 36 hours.

Angina: 1 spoon full of honey and 1 spoon full of chamomile mix with 200 ml of boiled water, gargarism.

Eat honey and be healthy!
